Package: nanoarrow

Dewey Dunnington

nanoarrow: Interface to the 'nanoarrow' 'C' Library

Provides an 'R' interface to the 'nanoarrow' 'C' library and the 'Apache Arrow' application binary interface. Functions to import and export 'ArrowArray', 'ArrowSchema', and 'ArrowArrayStream' 'C' structures to and from 'R' objects are provided alongside helpers to facilitate zero-copy data transfer among 'R' bindings to libraries implementing the 'Arrow' 'C' data interface.

Authors:Dewey Dunnington [aut, cre], Apache Arrow [aut, cph], Apache Software Foundation [cph]

nanoarrow.pdf |nanoarrow.html
nanoarrow/json (API)

# Install 'nanoarrow' in R:
install.packages('nanoarrow', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

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Uses libs:
  • c++– GNU Standard C++ Library v3


83 exports 149 stars 5.92 score 0 dependencies 13 dependents 11.7k downloads

Last updated 10 days agofrom:c74bb37b99



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Register an array stream finalizerarray_stream_set_finalizer
Convert an object to a nanoarrow arrayas_nanoarrow_array
Convert an object to a nanoarrow array_streamas_nanoarrow_array_stream
Convert an object to a nanoarrow bufferas_nanoarrow_buffer
Convert an object to a nanoarrow schemaas_nanoarrow_schema infer_nanoarrow_schema nanoarrow_schema_modify nanoarrow_schema_parse
Experimental Arrow encoded arrays as R vectorsas_nanoarrow_vctr nanoarrow_vctr
Create ArrayStreams from batchesbasic_array_stream
Convert an Array into an R vectorconvert_array
Convert an Array Stream into an R vectorcollect_array_stream convert_array_stream
Infer an R vector prototypeinfer_nanoarrow_ptype
Implement Arrow extension typesas_nanoarrow_array_extension convert_array_extension infer_nanoarrow_ptype_extension
Create type objectsna_binary na_bool na_date32 na_date64 na_decimal128 na_decimal256 na_dense_union na_dictionary na_double na_duration na_extension na_fixed_size_binary na_fixed_size_list na_float na_half_float na_int16 na_int32 na_int64 na_int8 na_interval_day_time na_interval_months na_interval_month_day_nano na_large_binary na_large_list na_large_string na_list na_map na_na na_sparse_union na_string na_struct na_time32 na_time64 na_timestamp na_type na_uint16 na_uint32 na_uint64 na_uint8
Vctrs extension typena_vctrs
Modify nanoarrow arraysnanoarrow_array_init nanoarrow_array_modify nanoarrow_array_set_schema
Create and modify nanoarrow buffersconvert_buffer nanoarrow_buffer_append nanoarrow_buffer_init
Create Arrow extension arraysnanoarrow_extension_array
Register Arrow extension typesnanoarrow_extension_spec register_nanoarrow_extension resolve_nanoarrow_extension unregister_nanoarrow_extension
Danger zone: low-level pointer operationsnanoarrow_allocate_array nanoarrow_allocate_array_stream nanoarrow_allocate_schema nanoarrow_pointer_addr_chr nanoarrow_pointer_addr_dbl nanoarrow_pointer_addr_pretty nanoarrow_pointer_export nanoarrow_pointer_is_valid nanoarrow_pointer_move nanoarrow_pointer_release nanoarrow_pointer_set_protected
Underlying 'nanoarrow' C library buildnanoarrow_version
Read serialized streams of Arrow dataexample_ipc_stream read_nanoarrow